College Match Self-Survey for the College-Bound
You start the process of choosing a college with a careful look at yourself, not with a list of colleges. After all, it is your own assessment of your interests, your attitudes, and your abilities that is central to finding a college. Why? Because the purpose of college hunting
is to find the right match between you and your eventual college choice.
Self-Survey for the College Bound, from College Match by Dr. Steven R. Antonoff features 80 items designed to assess self-awareness, which ultimately will help you select the colleges to which you will apply. The Self-Survey has been used by thousands of students over many years to help with the college planning process.
It is most useful if your really think about your results. The primary purpose of the Self-Survey is a help you to be more self-aware as you launch your college search. Note on the first page that in addition to your own email address, you can list two other email addresses if you would like to share your results with others (parents, counselor, tutor, or whomever).
Please take a the time to think about each statement. But don’t fixate on one or two words in the statements. It’s the broad direction of your responses that will be helpful. Keep in mind, there are no “correct” responses. For each item, check the appropriate answer category—“strongly agree,” “agree,” “lean toward disagree,” or “disagree.”
Even if you are unsure of an answer or your response falls between two categories please check only the one answer per question.